• The auditing process of government accounting and financing at district non thai nakhon, ratchasima
  • The auditing process of government accounting and financingat district non thai nakhon, ratchasima province.

    Amphaporn Sukkhang 1  and jaowakul Kaetisuntorn2

    1 Business Administration (MBA) Western University, 462/1 Rhatchanikhun Road  district moung ratchasima province
    2 Business Administration (MBA)  Western University

    The research on The auditing process of government accounting and financing at district non thai nakhon, ratchasima province. Objectives. (1) To study The auditing process of government accounting and financing  at district non thai nakhon, ratchasima province. (2). To study the problems about The auditing process of government accounting and financing at district non thai nakhon, ratchasima province. The researcher used consists of 4 population management, staff and related the auditing process of government accounting and financing at district non thai nakhon, ratchasima province. The 173 people and analyzed the result by using the computer program. Conclusion as follows. Answerer Most of the 109 women, 63.0 percent, followed by a male of 64 people, representing 37.0 per cent aged between 26 - 30 years were 60 percent, 34.7 a minor between the ages of 31-35 years, the number 56, representing 32.4 percent of undergraduate study of 79 people, representing 45.7 percent, followed by 68 or equivalent, accounting for 39.3 percent. Current Position A Financial Officer and Accountant 138 percent of 79.8, followed by a Chief Executive of the District and Head of Finance of 12 people, representing 6.9 percent work 6-10 years the number 66, representing a 38.2 percent secondary. Down more than 10 years experience of 54 people, representing 31.2 per cent respectively. The auditing process of government accounting and financing at district non thai nakhon, ratchasima province. A similar opinion was moderate considering it was found that the officers and staff involved 0f government accounting and financing. Including number one planning to perform the audit. Opinions on the 2nd level of performance monitoring. Opinions are moderate 3rd reporting inspection results. Opinions are moderate 4th track inspection results. Opinions are moderate.

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  • ผู้เขียน : Amphaporn Sukkhang, Jaowakul Kaetisuntorn
  • เผยแพร่ : 2016-02-16

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