• Construction of identification system to improve efficiency exploiting geographical indications
  • Construction of identification system to improve efficiency exploiting geographical indications in Vietnam

    Thu Trang Le Thi*

    Institute For Research and Development of New Technologies, Viet Nam
    * Corresponding author:trangltt94@gmail.com

    Today, in the global integration trend, the protection, management and exploitation of Geographical Indications have tremendous significance in the development of comprehensive national and national brands. Geographical indications not only contribute to promoting and improving the quality of rural agricultural development, but also plays an important role in the consumer market and have greater competitiveness in the global trade. To develop Geographical Indications really effective, the building work identification system for products bearing the geographical indication is essential.

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  • ผู้เขียน : Thu Trang Le Thi
  • เผยแพร่ : 2016-02-16

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