• Professional training case managemant for collaborators social work in DaNang city
  • Professional training case managemant for collaborators social work in DaNang city

    Bui Van Van * and Nguyen Thi Hang Phuong Faculty of Educational Psychology- University of  Education- The University of Danang, Viet Nam

    * Coresponding author :  mastervanvan@yahoo.com

              Case management is a process of nature assistance expertise in social work. The last time the Department of Labour - Invalids and Social Affairs of Da Nang City in collaboration with a comprehensive program and help integrate people with disabilities (PDSP) of the Agency for International Development (USAID) held a class set fostering professional training case managers with accessibility for staff and employees, social workers not responsible or collaborators of social work Danang. Course content includes: Overview of case management for people with disabilities, the case management process for people with disabilities, the case management skills to people with disabilities. Course outcomes were evaluated based on the program s tools and comprehensive integration of people with disabilities support international development agencies USA. Course outcomes were evaluated successfully. The lessons and experiences of the class have important implications for the next training course better achieved.

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  • ผู้เขียน : Bui Van Van, Nguyen Thi Hang Phuong
  • เผยแพร่ : 2016-02-16

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