• Effects of Reading Instruction Based on Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach
  • Effects of Reading Instruction Based on Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach (CALLA)
    on Public Administration English Reading Abilities and Strategy Use

    Angcharin Thongpan*
    Faculty of Education, Roi-et Rajabhat University
    *Corresponding author: Gung43@yahoo.com



    The purposes of this study were (1) to compare the students’ public administration English reading ability before and after receiving the reading instruction based on cognitive academic language learning approach, (2) to investigate reading strategies used by public administration students, and (3) to explore the students’ opinion towards reading instruction based on cognitive academic language learning approach.

    Data were collected from 30 students RERU who enrolled in the English for public administration course, semester 2 academic years 2014. The research instruments were reading comprehension test, survey of reading strategies (SORS), think aloud protocols, and questionnaire.

    The finding revealed that (1) there was a significant difference between the mean scores from the pre and post reading comprehension test at the significant level of 0.05. (2.) The reading strategies used by students consisted of Cognitive reading strategy, Social/Affective reading strategy, and Metacognitive reading strategy respectively. (3)  The students’ opinions towards reading instruction based on cognitive academic language learning approach were highly positive.

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  • ผู้เขียน : Angcharin Thongpan
  • เผยแพร่ : 2016-02-16

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